Chief of Air Staff Park Fellowship
The Chief of the Air StaJT‘s Fellowship scheme (CAS Fellowship) comprises a family of fellowships
aimed at developing and improving the Intellectual capital within the RAF. Amongst the Fellowships
on offer, the Tedder Leadership Academy Sponsored Park Fellowship is specifically linked to
leadership-related studies.
The overall management of the CAS Fellowship scheme is the res|aons)biIIty of the Air Staff’s
Director of Defence Studies (RAF). The 9ark Fellowship is intended to enable personnel to undertake
part-time study that will lead to a post graduate award in a leadership related area. The
Fellowship offers 2 routes to Masters study:
- Cranfield Universlty Executive Master in Leadership programme
- Applying to a university or college of the applicant’s choice, subject to approva| by the
Fe))owships Selection Board
For more information
Contact: Flt Lt xxxxxxx xxxxxxx
Email: xxxxxxxx l00emod.gov.uk
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